

Dear Everyone:

So New Year's this year was a little crazy... We went to a New Year's Eve party at the most wild place in town  - the senior citizen center! There's no better way to spend an evening than with 85 year olds! It really was a lot of fun, and we met a lot of great people as well.
This week was really really really cold though. We had a blizzard on Thursday, and I think the high on Saturday was -15. Toasty. 2014 came in with a vengeance. But this week is supposed to be warmer, so that's good.
We finally found a new investigator this week! Her name is Brittany and she's 23. We met her at the library doing service one day. She has a cat, loves wolves, and loves reading - especially reading books about wolves to her cat. She's awesome. She's didn't grow up very religious though, so she doesn't really know much about God or Christ or anything. It'll be really interesting to teach her, but we're excited.
Not much else to report. We spent a lot of time walking around and once again, trying to find people. This week will be super busy though - we've managed to get a meal with members for every night! We're super excited because President Stoker has really placed a ton of emphasis on working through the members and the only way we'll be able to do that is if we get to know them. I know a lot of the members really well, but Sister Burton doesn't. And we're having dinner with a few members who I've never been to visit, so it'll be great.
That's all for this week. Transfer calls are Saturday night and I'm about 90% sure I'm getting transferred. But it's not a for sure. Stay tuned, and I'll report back next week :)

Love you all!

Sister Lindsey Berg

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